Paper and poster submissions are handled via the GD 2011 submission page at EasyChair. Accepted papers and poster descriptions will be published in a volume of Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science. As such, submissions must be PDFs in the LNCS style.
To ensure that proofs end with a proper QED symbol when using the LNCS LaTeX template, include the following before \begin{document}:
\usepackage{amsmath,amssymb} \let\doendproof\endproof \renewcommand\endproof{~\hfill\qed\doendproof}
Authors are invited to submit papers describing original research of theoretical or practical significance to graph drawing, including demonstrations of software systems. Papers may be either long (up to 12 pages) or short (up to 6 pages), using single-spaced LNCS style. The claims made in the submissions should be fully substantiated, including full proofs, appropriate experimental data, or system descriptions. If this information will not fit within the page limits, the authors may include a clearly marked appendix that will be read at the discretion of the reviewers.
Submissions deviating from the above guidelines, or uploaded past the deadline of June 6, 2011 (23:59 CET) risk rejection without consideration of their merit. Submission of substantially similar papers to other conferences with published proceedings or simultaneous submissions are not allowed.
Posters should be designed for ISO 216 size A0 (841mm x 1189mm) and accompanied by a summary of no more than 2 pages (in the aforementioned LNCS style). Descriptions of accepted posters will be included in the conference proceedings. Poster summaries may be submitted until the deadline of August 19, 2011 (23:59 CET). If accepted, you are to print the actual poster yourself and bring it to the conference for presentation.
Details about the graph drawing contest can be found on the graph drawing contest website.